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By sponsoring DaytonDefense as either a Community or Event sponsor, you enable us bring together premier industry events that are well-attended by key area and Air Force leadership. As a volunteer organization, we rely on your support to make these events reality. 

Individualized packages are available. Please contact Janet Harp for more information!

Community Sponsorships

All sponsorships include:

• One year membership to DaytonDefense

• Top billing as a Sponsor

• Corporate recognition on the DaytonDefense website

• Corporate recognition on all DaytonDefense emails related to DaytonDefense (when allowable)

• Logo displayed at all virtual events (when allowable)

• Your logo on a 3’ DaytonDefense advertisement on both concourses at the Dayton International Airport

• Logo on banners displayed at in-person DaytonDefense luncheons and workshops throughout the year

Platinum Sponsor $20,000

• Two page article in the annual DaytonDefense publication (subject to approval)

• 2 page, full color marketing advertisement in the annual DaytonDefense publication

• Four registrations to either LCID or WDI or Two combo registrations (combo includes both LCID/WDI)
Registrants must meet security     requirements

• One 10'x20' exhibit booth space for LCID/WDI.
First selection on booth location.

Booth includes 4 complimentary booth staff (booth staff do not have access to the sessions)

• Access to DaytonDefense VIP Reception for LCID/WDI
• Includes 4 guest attendees

 Large logo on signage

• Podium recognition

Premier Sponsor $15,000

•Two page article in the annual DaytonDefense publication (subject to approval)

• 2 page, full color marketing advertisement in the annual DaytonDefense publication

• Four registrations to either LCID or WDI or Two combo registrations (combo includes both LCID/WDI)
• Registrants must meet security requirements

• One 10'x10' exhibit booth space for LCID/WDI.
First selection on booth location.

• Booth includes 2 complimentary booth staff (booth staff do not have access to the sessions)

Bronze Sponsor $6,000

• 1 page article in the annual DaytonDefense publication (subject to approval)

• 1 page, full color marketing advertisement in the annual DaytonDefense publication

• Two registrations for either LCID or WDI or One combo registration to both LCID/WDI (registrants must meet security requirements)


One 10’x10’ exhibit booth space for LCID/WDI. First selection on booth location.

• Booth includes 2 complimentary booth staff (booth staff do not have access to the sessions)

Event Sponsorships

Chalet Sponsorship $5,000

• Signage inside the DaytonDefense Chalet

• Logo on the Dayton Defense website and all DaytonDefense material related to the Chalet

• 1 page, full color marketing advertisement in the annual DaytonDefense publication

• 25 Chalet tickets with 12 parking passes + 1 VIP parking pass


Half Page Advertisement in Annual Publication $1,500

Must be purchased and art must be provided at least 30 days prior to event date. Please see specifications below.

Quarter Page Advertisement in Annual Publication $1,000

Must be purchased and art must be provided at least 30 days prior to event date. Please see specifications below.

Additional ad specifications for advertisements:


• All files MUST be 4 color process (CMYK) at 300 dpi and created with full bleeds.

• Accepted fie types: pdf, eps, tiff, psd, indd, ai

• Preferred applications: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

• Please outline or include font files (ttf or postscript) and all links.


• If the zipped folder is 30Mb or smaller, please email it to kbertke@daytonregion.com

• If your files are larger than 30Mb, please email kbertke@daytonregion.com to request an upload link.

• Submissions due 30 days prior to first Industry Dialogue event

thank you to our DaytonDefense sponsors

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